respects the intellectual property rights of artists and others.
Copyright is a cornerstone in securing and maintaining the rights of artists and other creative individuals and organizationsaround the world. complies with the requirements of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and willremove infringing material upon adequate notice as outlined later in this document.
For users, we review every notification on a case-by-case basis. However, we will terminate the accountsof repeat infringers. Three "strikes" is considered an indication of a repeat infringer subject to account termination.Note that misrepresentation or other factors may violate our Terms of Service and subjectthe user to more immmediate escalation.
Upon receipt of a valid takedown notification, as outlined below, we will expeditiously remove access to the allegedlyinfringing materials. We reserve the right to provide notification to the user that the material has been removed, aswell as educational materials on how they may avoid such violations in the future.
This section outlines the formal requirements of the DMCA, and provides instructions to copyright holders and their authorizedrepresentatives on how to file an infringement notification with
If you believe that materials on's services infringes a copyright held by yourself or a party to whom you are anauthorized representative for, please send a notice of copyright infringement ("takedown notification") to the Designated Agentas outlined at the end of this document. The notification should consist of the following:
As outlined above, the information provided in the notification may be forwarded to the individual who posted the allgedly infringingcontent. will immediately notify the user that the material has been removed, or access to the material has been disabled.
Under Section 512(f) of the DMCA any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity isinfringing may be subject to liability. See 17 U.S.C. § 512 for more information.
If you believe that a DMCA takedown notification against you was invalid, you may file a counter-notification with Commiss.iopursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 512(g).This is a very serious step.You may wish to consult legal counsel before filing a counter-notification, as the other party will be left with no choice but tosue you.
The requirements for a counter-notification are outlined in 17 U.S.C. § 512(g)(3). To file a counter-notification, please submita notification to the Designated Agent, contact information at the end of this document, consisting of the following:
Upon receipt of a valid-counter notification, will forward it to the party who filed the original takedown notification.The original notifying party will then have 10 days to notify us that they have filed legal action related to the allgedly infringingmaterial. If we do not receive such a notification after 10 days, we will restore access to the material until an injunction requiringthe removal or disabling of the material.
The fastest means to notify the Designated Agent via email at [email protected].
The Designated Agent may also be notified via mail:, Inc.