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5 creator slots available

Cancellation Policy


Available Licenses

Non-commercial Use


DescriptionCreator Project Guidelines »

  • Completion time varies by listing type, but never exceeds a month under normal circumstances. If for any reason I think I'll need more time than that (outside of delays caused by me waiting for your feedback), I'll let you know. Though you have the option to set a deadline when you order here on Commissio, I ask that you please don't, as I will ignore it. 
    • This is assuming that the project you order is similar in scope to the parameters of the listing you order from. If additions are made (extra characters, difficult background, extra images on a reference sheet etc) your project may take more than a month to complete. 
    • If you need an order in less than a month, feel free to contact me and I'll quote you a rate + rush fee. The fee will depend on the deadline you propose. 
    • I will send you an update every time I finish a step of the project (sketch, lineart, colour, rendering) but you can request an update at any moment; though, I ask that you please do not ask for updates every day as it is very unlikely I will have made any significant progress in such a short amount of time.

  • You will receive an invoice for the project after I send you an initial sketch and any needed edits are made to that sketch, so you won't be asked to pay until I'm actively working on the project (depending on my workload, this may take a week or more). 
    • You can request changes at this time, but I will only change the sketch 2 times for free (5 times for character designs). Additional changes will incur an extra charge. 
    • Requested changes later in the project may or may not incur an extra charge, depending on complexity. I will warn you of any extra charges before you commit to them. 
    • All drafts will include a watermark and be smaller than the final version.

  • The prices on the listings are base prices. I may charge more if a subject seems like it will be much more time consuming than average (due to a complicated design, costume, background etc.). I will let you know of any price changes before I accept your order, and I won't start work until a price is agreed upon, so you'll always have the option to back out if the new price is out of your budget.

  • I can post all versions of finished commissions on social media, as well as a recording of my process and use it however I want to promote myself. It's how I get exposure! Please do not ask me not to post your commission online -- that's just not how I operate. 
    • If you'd like to be tagged when I post your completed order to social media, add your Twitter/IG/FA/DA handle to the order form and I'll be more than happy to.
    •  Inversely, if I already have your username and you'd prefer not to be tagged or mentioned, just let me know and I'll keep your name off of it when I post. 

  • You're also welcome to post your commission to your own social media or otherwise use it for any purpose that you don't make money off of. A link back to my Twitter/IG/DA/FA (@uamodraws) is not necessary, but is highly appreciated!
    • You cannot claim the artwork as your own, remove my signature and/or alter the artwork without my consent.

  • I do NOT take NSFW commissions, however, if NSFW references are all you have for me to work with, that is absolutely fine! 
    • Gore and/or suggestive poses don't count as NSFW for me, so feel free to request these types of artwork if you wish!

  • Please please please add Commissio to your email contacts list. Alternatively, check your project manually at least once a week or give me another way to contact you (email address, social media, etc.), because email notifications from Commissio will almost certainly wind up in your spam folder at some point! 

  • If you break any of the points stated above, you will lose all the beforementioned rights to the artwork commissioned by me, and I will have the right to profit further from the commissioned artwork in any way I see fit. If you have a problem with any of these statements, they may be changed if discussed with me prior to paying your commissioned piece.

Note that there is no physical product to any of my orders.
And now for some legal nonsense restating some of this:
The images provided to you are licensed copies for any reasonable personal purposes, including but not limited to: printing, copying, emailing, and web publishing. Your license does not include use that results in financial gain, including but not limited to: advertising, print sale profits, or resale of any nature. Your purchase of the original files releases Uamodraws from any liability due to loss or damage of the images, and also releases Uamodraws from any obligation to maintain copies of any digital file or image. You hereby grant to Uamodraws the right to use and publish images commissioned to further promote their work, including portfolio, web site, display, advertisement, and editorial use. Uamodraws agrees to limit the use of these images to promotional use only.
Uamodraws retains all copyrights to the images. By ordering a project, you are agreeing to the above terms.


About the Creator


New Creator

Just a bat who can draw!

For further inquiries you can contact me at the following email address: [email protected]