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Serious Tarot Readings

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The (usually) less ominous option - I will perform a detailed tarot reading for you based on one driving concern you want assessed via the cards. Or I'll read a general navigation of your life. Your pick.

Base price includes a custom reading using actual tarot cards dealt out just for you, interpreted by my own methods and the "standard" ones. You will receive a (pdf or doc) writeup of the results as well as a picture of the finished spread. Several decks to choose from (I usually default to Linestrider). For an extra $10 I'll deal out the cards while chatting with you about them via the text-based platform of your choice, and for an extra $30 I'll give the reading live over video chat before providing the finished assets, all hopped up on coffee, showing you just how upbeat predictions of your future can be.

Pay-what-you-want is enabled; I'm willing to read for lower prices if you can't afford top dollar, or you can pay extra if you want to make me really happy before I shuffle the deck!


About the Creator


New Creator

Cofounder and second-in-command at Commissio. The staff member who's not a programmer. Designer by day, marketing ninja by night.